Executive Succession Management

Developing the talent at the top of your organization is critical to the success of the business. We partner with our clients to customize the design of best-in-class senior executive development programs to grow the talents, skills, and capabilities of your people. Our typical programs include:


We use a multi-method approach to assessing leaders in our senior executive development programs. The assessment process includes three components: a) Hogan Leadership Forecast Series (values, strengths, and derailers); b) 360-degree interviews or surveys; and c) our leadership experience interview. The combination of these assessment methodologies provides a robust snapshot into how a leader operates in their day-to-day work.

Feedback & Development Planning

The feedback and development planning process is the most important part of any senior executive development program. Our team provides a depth of insights and observations about a leader’s strengths, opportunities, and interpersonal style. We then work with the leader to draft their executive development plan, which includes 3-4 goals they want to work on over the next 6-12 months of their leadership journey.

Alignment Meetings

Great senior executive development programs include alignment meetings at the end of the program with a leader’s manager and their HRBP. This provides an opportunity for a leader to share their executive development plan with key stakeholders involved in the process. It also drives alignment between manager expectations and goals in the leader’s plan.

Our customized senior executive development programs accelerate the growth of your company’s top leaders.

This is a necessity in an ever-evolving business landscape where senior executives must remain agile in addressing the challenges of today and those in the future.

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