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Foundr Magazine publishes in-depth interviews with the world’s greatest entrepreneurs. Our articles highlight key takeaways.
This week on the Anxiety Slayer podcast, Shann is speaking with Dr. Adam Bandelli about.
Dr. Adam C. Bandelli, organizational psychologist, leadership advisor, and Founder & Managing Director of Bandelli.
Being relationally intelligent is one of the bedrocks of healthy relationships which trickles health and.
Why was Machiavelli wrong? How to manage emotions at work? Does everyone’s upbringing at home really.
Do you want to be a great leader? Do you want to build life-changing relationships.

Stop fixating on what didn’t go your way. Stop ruminating on what you could have done differently. Stop dwelling on past mistakes. Stop replaying things that went wrong yesterday. Stop looking back with regret on things you cannot change. Stop limiting yourself today because of setbacks you had in a previous season.

Start thinking about what’s next on your journey. Start embracing today and the possibilities of the future. Start developing the mindset that you can achieve anything you set out to do. Start challenging yourself to get better than you were yesterday. Start believing that you’ve done it before so you can definitely do it again.

It’s time to get excited for your next chapter. It’s time to take that step forward and begin to scale the mountain. It’s time to stop using excuses and focus your energy and efforts on accomplishing your dreams. It’s time to trust that everything works out for the good. It’s time to capitalize on what’s in front of you right now and move forward.

Learn more about identifying, unlocking, and unleashing your authentic self at

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You can’t grow unless you’re willing to face the challenges that have been put in your way. You can’t make progress unless you take the first step towards the accomplishment of your goals. You can’t achieve your dreams without being realistic about where you are today. You can’t fix what you’re not willing to face.

Overcoming adversity builds character and strength. Overcoming obstacles builds fortitude and resilience. Overcoming old ways of thinking breeds new ideas for the future. Overcoming the voices that tell you no opens the door for the voices that say anything is possible. Overcoming doubt releases the power of belief and faith.

If you find yourself in uncharted waters right now know that you will always find your way. To do so takes courage and the willingness to face your fears. It takes focus and the ability to see two to three steps ahead of where you are today. So be willing to embrace the unknown and be confident you’ll figure out what to do next on your journey.

Learn more about identifying, unlocking, and unleashing your authentic self at

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Some of the people you will cross paths with in your professional life fall into two distinct categories. One of these groups are those who are hyper sensitive, are regularly skeptical and cynical of others, and tend to be easily offended. We all know someone in our organization that is the passive aggressive type. They harbor resentment towards others for things that may have taken place years ago.

A second category are those that tend to be curious. They have a growth mindset and are always looking for new ways to develop themselves. These types of folks ask questions before stating their beliefs or opinions. They know how to actively listen to the insights and perspectives of others without having to prove their point or be combative with their views.

As a leader, make sure you surround yourself with curious people. These types of folks will stir up less problems and challenges for your team today and in the long run. No one wants to work with a disgruntled employee. They can suck the life right out of a room and leave others frustrated.

Those that are quick to get furious tend to derail relatively quickly. If you find yourself sometimes falling into this category remember the importance of reading a room and understanding your audience. It is also important to have a healthy amount of self-awareness so you know your brand and reputation, and how you come across to others.

Learn more about identifying, unlocking, and unleashing your authentic self at

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Never let your fears keep you from pursuing your dreams. Never let doubt overcome the possibility of what’s in store next on your journey. Never give up when things don’t look promising. Never listen to the naysayers and the people who want to bring you down. Never doubt in your talents, gifts, and capabilities. Never quit when breakthrough can be right around the corner from now.

Fear can limit your potential. Fear can stunt your growth. Fear can paralyze you from taking action. Fear can immobilize you from taking that next important step down your path. Fear can bring down the people around you. Fear is contagious if you let it fester and build up over time. Fear will block you from achieving greatness. Fear will prevent you from accomplishing your goals and key desired outcomes.

Faith is uplifting. It doesn’t matter what that faith is in. It can be faith in yourself right now. It can be faith in what’s possible in the future. It can be faith in what’s next in your story. It can be faith that your steps have been ordered before you take even one of them. The key is to make the transition from fear into faith. Yes, things can be challenging at times but there is always a path forward if you fix your focus on what matters the most.

Learn more about identifying, unlocking, and unleashing your authentic self at

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Every setback is a set-up for greater success to take place in the future. Every obstacle that comes your way is a chance to learn something new. Every hurdle you must jump challenges you to soar to new heights you didn’t think were possible before. Every challenge is an opportunity to explore new possibilities of what can be accomplished in the next phase of your journey.

Tough moments strengthen our character. Tough moments strength our grit and ability to overcome adversity. Tough moments show us what we are made up of on the inside. Tough moments teach us valuable lessons we can take into the future. Tough moments will always pass and lead us to brighter days. Tough moments take place to show us there is a choice we must always be willing to make.

Resilience is one of the greatest gifts we get to build through the trials we face in life. It provides us with the courage to move forward despite the circumstances that surround us. It strengthens our resolve and commitment to our goals, dreams, and desired outcomes. It enables us to face the next obstacle with a steadfast determination that we didn’t think we had before. So never dwell on the tough moments you might face. They are meant to make you better than you are today.

Learn more about identifying, unlocking, and unleashing your authentic self at

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What you think about determines who you are today and what you will become in the future. Your mindset is always what makes you. It determines everything that will come to pass in your life. That’s why it is important to fill your thought life with positive and encouraging affirmations on a regular basis. Dwelling on the negative only brings about pain and suffering.

The same can be said about the people you surround yourself with. That’s why it’s important to understand that whenever somebody gives you their opinion about anything, listen to the opinion and then stop and look at who told it to you. You never want to adopt the thinking of somebody who you don’t want to be. That’s because their thinking also made them.

So surround yourself with those that will be uplifting and challenge you to develop and grow. Avoid those that will bring you down. Focus on what’s possible and the potential you have, not on the things that aren’t going your way today. Stay committed to your purpose, goals, and ambitions. You have what it takes to become the best version of yourself.

Learn more about identifying, unlocking, and unleashing your authentic self at

#relationalintelligence #builtdifferent #leader #leadership #trustedadvisor #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipskills #executivecoach #executivecoaching #blackmindsmatter #calling #purpose #faith #relationshipdevelopment #authenticity #intentionality #mentalhealthawareness #bipolarawareness #authenticleadership #establishingrapport #understandingothers #embracingindividualdifferences #developingtrust #cultivatinginfluence #builtbysport

Always keep in mind that you’ve been blessed with many things. Always remember that today is a chance for a new beginning. Always embrace the present moment as you don’t know what tomorrow might bring. Always stay committed to your goals no matter what might be getting in your way. Always have faith all things will work out for the good in the end.

We don’t get everything we want overnight. It takes discipline and dedication to accomplish your dreams. It takes grit and perseverance to overcome obstacles that show up along the way. It’s takes courage and resilience to work through challenging periods and adversity you did not expect. It takes faith and hope to move beyond today and step into the next season.

You may not be where you want to be right now but remember that life is a journey. It’s about not giving up when you have a setback and moving forward even when things are unknown. Half a loaf might not be what you want today, but it is better than nothing at all. So stay focused on what you trying to achieve. Understand that whatever you’re going through this too shall pass.

Learn more about identifying, unlocking, and unleashing your authentic self at

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Game day!!! 🏌🏾‍♂️🏌️‍♀️ What do you have going on this weekend? ...

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