Driving change is hard work. It is one of the most important roles of any CEO. To truly transform a company, people need to change their behavior—how they work and make decisions. At Bandelli & Associates, we deploy deep knowledge and insight into the underlying psychology of change that enables us to help senior leaders shift their behavior, and that of others to increase the probability of success.
Transformational change requires that leaders execute differently. It involves altering the ways they make decisions, how they work with each other, and how they engage their teams. By understanding what it takes to motivate these shifts, we are able to help leaders model the behaviors that promote the acceleration and cascading of change.
Transformation requires more than typical change efforts. Bringing in new talent and capabilities, redesigning structures and processes, and redefining or raising the bar on performance may be necessary—but it won’t be sufficient. Without a laser focus on the behavioral side of transformation, increased investment and efforts will get you nowhere. We can help your top leaders:
- Create visibility and impact across the organization
- Gain buy-in by aligning themselves and others behind the specifics of the transformation
- Define and model the transformation leadership behaviors required
- Accelerate and cascade change throughout the organization
Transforming an organization starts and ends with leadership—having the right leaders and capabilities on the leadership team and setting the expectation that the leadership team will drive change throughout the company. To win in the marketplace, a company’s culture must be ready for change and evolve. Increased personal accountability, transparency, leveraging insights to make decisions, and focused execution of top priorities are among the cultural behaviors to inculcate. Achieving these outcomes requires the following:
- The leadership team is aligned on the near- and long-term view of success and the strategic path to get there, including a measurable vision around which leaders are able to rally the organization.
- Building the operating effectiveness of the leadership team as a team—e.g., skills to effectively manage conflict; to prioritize, set, and achieve bold goals; and to deploy and manage human resources.
- Leaders set clear accountabilities for results that require creative solutions—they step back to empower people to innovate, and they follow up to assess results.
- Driving transformation is embedded in the work of every leader, rather than a series of initiatives owned by outside specialists or advisors.
- Leaders at all levels hold themselves to rigorous standards for selecting and deploying talent capable of leading change. Robust succession discussions and disciplines exist among senior management.
- Work is designed in ways that foster the desired culture, and reward systems are designed to reinforce new behaviors.
- Change investments must be sustainable; they are measured, multimodal, embedded in existing work processes, and backed by a commitment of enduring focus.
For more information on how to drive transformational change within your organization contact Bandelli & Associates at abandelli@bandelliassociates.com.
__Leadership Matters. Without It, People Fail. __